Monday, August 11, 2008

Two more days of work!

It feels really good to only have two more days left of work. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I would make it to the end because I thought I might go into labor before the last day arrived. Unless something happens today or tomorrow morning, it looks like I'll make it to the end!

It has been great to work here and I feel truly blessed by the opportunity I have had. I am going to miss working with the kids and communicating with my coworkers on a daily basis - but I'm leaving it all to stay at home with my new baby girl. It's nice to know that in the near future, if I would like to go back part time or even full time, my boss will welcome me back. But for now, I'm looking forward to the opportunity to stay at home with the new baby.

These two days should be pretty stress-free, as all I have to do is meet with my coworker to transfer the cases back to her. I also need to clean out my office and say goodbyes, but I'm completely caught up on paperwork and have no loose ends to tie up. It's a pretty good feeling!

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as these next two days come to a close!

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