Monday, June 15, 2009

A Day in the Life of Olivia....

If you lived with us (other than there being not very much room in the apartment), you would get to know Olivia very well. But, since most people who read this are so terribly far away, I thought I would share some of her quirks with you.

*Now has 6 teeth, 2 on the bottom and 4 on the top
*Grinds her teeth together when she is really tired or seemingly bored
*Enjoys drinking out of a sippy cup and doesn't dribble too much of it on the front of her shirt
*Sits with her legs crossed when she plays with toys on the floor
*Hides her toys under the couch and tries to get them out again
*Crawls all over the place and loves to follow Chris and me around the apartment
*Stands on her feet with her hands on floor and her tush in the air
*Goes from sitting to lying down to crawling to sitting, etc....over and over and over again
*Enjoys finding every electrical cord in the apartment to play with
*Chases the cat (much to the cat's dismay)
*Loves yogurt and would eat it for every meal if we let her
*Likes leaning sideways and turning her head parallel to the floor to look at you (hoping you'll do it back)
*Crawls across the room to see us then kisses our legs when she gets to us (as much of a baby kiss as you can get)
Hmmm...that's all I can think of to share with you right now. It's so amazing to watch her learn and grow. We feel so blessed to have her as our daughter.