Friday, October 31, 2008

Three Shots and a Princess

Olivia went to the doctor today to get her first set of shots. To make the day seem a little more happier, I decided to dress her in a costume. (Perhaps more happier for me than for her!) None-the-less, she was Daddy's Little Princess for the day. I even made Ellie an outfit to match! Surprisingly, she didn't mind wearing it at all. She actually purred when I put it on her and she let me take several pictures without running away. Now we have two little princesses in the house!

Overall, Olivia did really well at the doctor's office. She was tired when we got there, so she didn't mind just lying still through the exam part of the visit. She even fell asleep in my arms while we waited for the nurse to come back in and give her the shots. She got three shots, two of which were a combination for several different things. I felt so bad for her though - she was sleeping soundly in my arms and suddenly the nurse stuck her with the first needle. Her eyes opened wide, then they shut and the tears poured out the sides. She took a deep breath in and waited about 10 seconds before letting out the ear-piercing scream. Her face turned bright red and she screamed even louder as the nurse gave her the next two shots. Thankfully she let me hug and cuddle her and she was then able to calm down. But the look in her eyes still said, "Mommy, why did you let that happen to me?." I know it's best for her, but it still breaks my heart to see her in pain. I did decide to take pictures of her before and after the shots so that we could remember the moments though. (Before=Above, After=Right) She is weighing in at 10 pounds, 9 ounce and she is 22.5 inches long. According to the charts, she is between the 25th and 50th percentiles...which means she is healthy and strong!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October is almost gone

It's hard to believe that October is almost over! The past several weeks have flown by way too fast. However, I feel like we have accomplished a lot as a family. Our trip to Ohio was great - we were blessed with the chance to see lots of family and friends, as well as spend extended time with family. It was more than just a quick trip which allowed us to be able to relax a little while we were away from home.

Olivia is growing quickly and has more personality every day. Chris and I are so happy to spend time with her and we are truly enjoying parenthood. Sure, it's tiring getting up to feed her in the night, and it takes longer to load the car when we go out...but the pros of being parents far outweighs those things.

She smiles at us all the time and it completely melts our hearts each time. Seeing her gummy baby smile never gets old. She's headed to the doctor tomorrow for her first round of we'll see how many smiles she has for me tomorrow...probably not that many! Keep us in your prayers!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

6 Weeks Old

Olivia turned six weeks old on Tuesday. Time continues to fly by so quickly! As I look at her weekly pictures, I see differences in her that I don't necessarily notice on a daily basis. I'm glad we are in the digital age where we can take so many pictures and not have to constantly pay to develop them all!

This afternoon we will take a road trip to Ohio...again. This time around, Olivia will get to meet so many new people. Her journey starts in Columbus with Neil and Melissa, a couple that lived in New York and went to our church, but recently moved back to Ohio. Then she'll get to meet all of our friends in Cincinnati (and see a few that she's already met). Plus, she'll get to experience the Homecoming parade and her first football game! She'll get to spend some more time with my parents, brother, sister-in-law, and nephews. She'll get to meet her three great grandparents on my side of the family, plus meet a few of my high school friends. Then, she'll travel with me to Montpelier where she'll get to meet her three great grandparents on Chris' side of the family. She'll take her first trip to Michigan to pick up Daddy at the airport and she will meet Uncle Steven, Aunt Amy, and Cousin Elijah. She'll also get to meet a few of her paternal cousins, aunts and uncles. Then she'll get to meet ALL of Chris' maternal family. Everyone will be in town for Granny's 80th birthday, so she will get the chance to meet aunts, uncles and cousins.

It will be a big week for all 3 of us - Olivia and I in Ohio with our family, and Chris in New York all by himself! Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as we embark upon this journey! We'll definitely document it with lots of pictures - we'll keep you posted!

Friday, October 3, 2008

One thing I keep telling myself is, "it's not about me." It has definitely taken me a while to get used to the fact that my daily to-do list doesn't matter when Olivia needs something. I can have 20 things on my list that need done, but if she needs fed, I need to take care of her. If she is awake, I take the time to interact with her instead of sitting her in the swing to be entertained while I work on my own things. I've come to understand that the list will get accomplished eventually - but everything on the list combined isn't as important to me as Olivia.

It's a lot different than being at work, having a schedule, sticking to that schedule, accomplishing tasks, and going home. Being a stay-at-home-mom is taking a while to get used to. But I love being able to be there when Olivia wakes up from her naps, I love feeding her, and I love going on daily outings with her - taking her to experience new things (even though she has no idea what we are doing!).

Something else I enjoy about motherhood is getting the chance to see Chris with our baby girl. He is an amazing father and loves to spend time with Olivia. He's actually going to Ohio this weekend, so he won't get to see her for two days. My guess is that he will definitely take pictures of her home with him not only to show to family members, but to show to EVERYONE he comes in contact with. He is such a proud father. When we go to church, he is usually the one who holds her and several ladies commented to me that it seems like I never hold her! Seeing him interact with her makes me feel more in love with him each time. I thank God all the time for blessing me with such a wonderful family.