Tuesday, October 13, 2009

An Overwhelming Month!

Wow, where has time gone? I’ve said to myself several times that I would sit down and update my blog, yet it never got done. Here it is, halfway through October and I completely missed September. September was a busy month in the Kannel household. We flew to Ohio to celebrate Chris’ 30th birthday with his family. While we were in the celebrating mood, we also had a late celebration for Olivia’s 1st birthday. It was very nice to get to celebrate those two special occasions with our family. Of course, we couldn’t be in Chris’ hometown during fair week and not visit the famous Williams County Fair….so we took Olivia and strolled around the fair for an afternoon while we were there. (My sister-in-law took this picture - thanks Amy!)

The rest of September was spent making important decisions about our future. The place where I worked before Olivia was born called and asked me to come back and fill in for someone while she is out on maternity leave. This seamed like a good idea on the surface, but there are so many things to take into consideration. I really have enjoyed being at home with Olivia throughout the past 14 months, but I also really liked my job. I wish Olivia had kids to interact with daily, but there aren’t any kids that live nearby and our Mothers of Preschoolers group only gets together about twice a month. So, we thought this might be an opportunity for her to interact with other kids in a day care setting. Plus, as much as I love staying at home with Olivia, I also have been yearning to have more adult interaction during the day. It’s also important for me to keep my professional life active if I plan to run a private practice once we move back to Ohio.

So, after taking all of this into consideration, and after lots of prayer, we decided that it would be a good opportunity for me to take the job offer. However, we decided that doing it part time would be best…not only for me, but for Olivia as well. This way, she will still get to spend time with me during the week days, but she’ll get a chance to interact with others too. Plus, I’m not sure how I would do going back to work full time after being at home with her for 14 months! I’ll start work on October 27 and will work 2 days a week at first. The hope is that I will eventually pick up a third day, allowing us to bring in a little more income, and allowing Olivia to be with kids 3 days a week instead of 2.

The hardest part in this entire decision making process was finding day care for Olivia. I said when I was pregnant with her that I was glad I didn’t have to search for day care because that task just seemed way too daunting…not to mention expensive! Between the Yellow Pages, internet searches, verbal recommendations, and tips from Westchester County’s Child Care Council, I had 40 different providers to look into – that’s right, 40! I was able to cross some of them off the list based upon their location. Some were too far south and some weren’t close to either one of our work places. I called quite a few of them before attempting to visit and the majority of the locations don’t take kids who are under 18 months. That was very frustrating for me to understand, so I’m glad I wasn’t searching for a place for her to stay when she was 3 months old – I’m not sure what I would have found! I visited a lot of places, I can’t even remember how many! It surprised me at the huge differences in places that I found. Some were super clean, some super dirty. Some places were over run with kids and some keeping the numbers small on purpose. All the places were licensed by several different agencies/departments, but it was obvious that the different licenses require different amounts of attention to detail. The rates for each place were slightly different, and unfortunately something we had to take into consideration. We don’t want all of my new paychecks to have to go toward childcare!

After much consideration and several visits, we finally picked a place that we feel extremely comfortable with. It’s close to Chris’ work, so I’ll drop her off in the mornings and he’ll pick her up in the evenings. The staff members are super nice, caring, and devoted to helping the kids grow and learn. There are only 10 kids at this place, with 5 staff members around to help. The kids range from 14 months to 4 years old, so Olivia will have the chance to interact with kids of different ages. The lady who runs this day care out of her basement is very supportive and we are very happy with our choice. The price is somewhat depressing though. We’re paying 5 times what my brother is paying for daycare in Ohio! But, there aren’t any other options for us out here! Some of the mother in my MOPS group volunteered to watch her for a discounted rate, but they all live 35 minutes away – which means driving 35 minutes in the morning to pick her up, 35 minutes back to work, and doing the same after work. That’s just too much! Plus, someone at church offered to watch her as well, but her house is not close to either one of our offices, plus we feel Olivia is just too fast and too active for the lady to keep up with her! So, daycare it is!

Meanwhile, our apartment listing expired and we haven’t decided what to do about that. We’ve been praying so much for God to lead us in the direction that he sees fit. We have done our best to put our futures in God’s hands, letting go of the control ourselves. It’s easier to say but harder to actually believe that what God wants is what we want. Please pray for continued guidance for us…that we may follow the path laid out for us, regardless of our own plans for our future.

As we wait patiently for directions, we watch time pass by. Olivia turned 1, Chris turned 30, my grandma just turned 90, and Chris’ grandma is celebrating her 81st birthday today. Time will continue to pass, Olivia will start daycare and I’ll go back to work. Hopefully God will help us understand, and if it’s in His will, we’ll be able to move back to Ohio shortly after the New Year.

I’ll do my best not to get overwhelmed with what lies ahead, that way you can stay up to date on what’s happening in our lives!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Being Creative

Lately, when we've wanted to send cards to family or friends, we've decided to get a little creative. Chris has been drawing and painting in his spare time a lot, so he decided that he wanted to try creating his own cards. He has been doing this since the beginning of May and has really enjoyed his creations. We've even been brainstorming together about possible fronts of cards that he can create to submit to greeting card companies.

He recently put together a portfolio of several of his designs to submit to a company, and now we're waiting to hear back. So, if you get a card in the mail from us, chances are that Chris made it himself - just look for his initials with the year hidden somewhere in the drawing.

This is one he made for me for our anniversary. I said to him a few months ago, "you are always creating things for everyone else, but you've never made anything for me!" So, he surprised me on our anniversary with this card!
And, as an added bonus, here is a picture of Olivia at the park yesterday!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Four Years and Counting!

Yesterday was our 4th Anniversary. It doesn’t seem like four whole years ago that we were gathered in my in-law’s back yard with all of our family and friends celebrating our new life together. The past year, especially, has flown by extremely fast.

We are so blessed to have this time together and we pray that God will grant us many more anniversaries to come.

We don’t have a lot of people around us who can babysit, so we celebrated as a family last evening. Thinking about it ahead of time, we were kind of happy to celebrate it with all three of us. Olivia is a huge part of our life now and she helped make this past year together extremely happy. Of course, there was also frustration, tiredness, and down times…but all-in-all, since our last anniversary in the hospital, Olivia has blessed us in so many ways. It was nice to go out to dinner with the three of us, celebrate her birthday and our anniversary, have her sit patiently in the high chair, eat her own kids’ meal, and only throw minimal amounts of food on the floor! So, we celebrated together not only because we had to, but because we wanted to!

May God grant us the love, patience, and understanding to get through many more years together. I love you, Christopher!
August 27, 2005 - Our Wedding Day - At the Reception

August 27, 2006 - On a Paddle Boat at Montauk, Long Island

August 27, 2007 - At the Eifel Tower in Paris, France

August 27, 2008 - Montefeiore Hospital in the Bronx, NY

August 27, 2008 - Home Sweet Home in Tuckahoe, NY

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Olivia!

The Birthday Girl!
Olivia is officially a one-year-old now! It doesn’t seem like that long ago that we brought her home from the hospital. She has changed so much and has completely developed her own personality.

The day we brought her home from the hospital...

One Year Old

We are so blessed to have her in our lives. Here are some pictures from her birthday celebrations.

Our pathetic attempt at a homemade birthday cake

Birthday Party at Church - attempting to eat cake

She begged for a fork instead of using her hands.

After finally sticking her hand in, she was amazed by the feeling of the sticky icing.

Making a mess...


Playing with her first birthday gift...musical maracas!

Opening a gift from Great Granny

Tearing paper off puzzles from Grandma Carol & Papaw Ray

Playing with her new Fridge Phonics
(Daddy spelled her name New York style)

Opening a gift from a lady at church

Playing with her gift from Mommy & Daddy

Eating cake again on her birthday - a little messier than she was at church

Notice the left piggy tail - she got icing in her hair and it made the piggy tail stand straight out!

She loved squeezing the icing in between her fingers over and over again!

This is the fastest we've ever seen her eat!

Happy 1st Birthday, Olivia Grace!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

She's Accomplished A Lot!

Wow! It’s been over two months since I posted on here. In that time period we’ve had some ups and downs, traveled to see family and friends several times, and watched Olivia grow and develop immensely!

Olivia is pulling herself up on anything she can possibly find. She is growing taller too because she can now reach shelves that were once safely out of her reach! She stands up in the middle of the floor without holding on to anything and we can tell she desperately wants to walk, she just hasn’t figured that out quite yet. She pulls herself along objects and she does well walking if she’s holding on to our hands. She even feels comfortable doing it while holding on with one hand…I’m sure she’ll be walking before we know it! She likes to climb on things like sewing boxes, cardboard boxes…pretty much anything that represents a step. She also climbs inside of her exersaucer and sits there to play with toys.

Her hair is getting longer so I either put it in a ponytail, piggy tails, or a barrette every day. It’s really long on top and won’t stay out of her eyes. In the back, she still has a mess of little curls that are quite unruly and hard to put into a ponytail.

She loves feeding herself from a fork too. We put the food on the fork, give it to her, and she puts it in her mouth. She does really well with it and only flings food on the floor if she’s getting full.

It’s hard to believe that she will be one year old tomorrow. My, my how time flies! I promise I’ll post pictures on Thursday of her with her birthday celebration.

While we were traveling with family, Olivia experienced many new ‘firsts.’ She played on a big trampoline, met extended family members, went for a wagon ride, played in the sprinkler, climbed up one step, stood by herself, cruised along a coffee table (walking), went tubing, rode a jet ski, went down a water slide, slept on a houseboat, learned how to blow a kiss, and stayed the weekend alone with her Grandma Carol. She is such an easy-going baby and really enjoyed spending time with her cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents.

Here are some updated pictures……
(you can also look at more pictures at my Picasa site: http://picasaweb.google.com/cincychelle)
Chris' cousin, Diana took this picture - then several people took turns editing the colors.

This is Olivia playing in the sprinkler in Ohio.

My sister-in-law, Amy, took this great picture of Olivia when we visited them in Tennessee.

Olivia is doing 'so big' after finally making a mess in her early birthday cake.

She belongs in Hollywood!

She loved swimming in the lake - this was a very happy week for her!

This is her first day with a ponytail, and she just happened to be standing on her own as well.

This doesn't look like a very good picture - but she is blowing me a kiss!

I just thought this was a cute picture!

This is Olivia's first water slide ride into the lake....Daddy tries to 'pass' her to Grandpa, but Olivia goes flying through the air instead. Surprisingly, she didn't scream or throw a fit!

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Day in the Life of Olivia....

If you lived with us (other than there being not very much room in the apartment), you would get to know Olivia very well. But, since most people who read this are so terribly far away, I thought I would share some of her quirks with you.

*Now has 6 teeth, 2 on the bottom and 4 on the top
*Grinds her teeth together when she is really tired or seemingly bored
*Enjoys drinking out of a sippy cup and doesn't dribble too much of it on the front of her shirt
*Sits with her legs crossed when she plays with toys on the floor
*Hides her toys under the couch and tries to get them out again
*Crawls all over the place and loves to follow Chris and me around the apartment
*Stands on her feet with her hands on floor and her tush in the air
*Goes from sitting to lying down to crawling to sitting, etc....over and over and over again
*Enjoys finding every electrical cord in the apartment to play with
*Chases the cat (much to the cat's dismay)
*Loves yogurt and would eat it for every meal if we let her
*Likes leaning sideways and turning her head parallel to the floor to look at you (hoping you'll do it back)
*Crawls across the room to see us then kisses our legs when she gets to us (as much of a baby kiss as you can get)
Hmmm...that's all I can think of to share with you right now. It's so amazing to watch her learn and grow. We feel so blessed to have her as our daughter.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So Much in One Month!

Olivia is truly growing and changing every day. Within the past month, here's what she's accomplished:

*She sprouted two teeth
*Still scoots around the apartment backwards
*Tries to crawl by getting up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth
*Enjoys screaming as loud as she can for as long as she can (in a happy way)
*Loves to feed herself and drink from a sippy cup
*Her best friend is the cat
*She loves looking at, playing with, and talking to other little kids
*She hugs you back when you give her a squeeze
*Sleeping through the night every night
*Completely weaned and doing great with it
*Loves fruits, vegetables that aren't green, steak :), and chicken
*She gets out every toy she can possibly find and spreads them around the apartment
*Loves to look at pictures of famiy members - but loves pictures of herself more!

See her teeth?

Mother's Day

She is super excited about seeing a picture of herself!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ohio/Indiana Trip (3/9-3/16)

In the car seat, ready to go see family

Dressed up as a bunny on Easter - this used to be Daddy's bunny suit!

Hanging out with Grandma Marion - not feeling very well

Still not feeling well, but playing with Bradley

Family Visit to NY (3/27-4/1)

Learning to share toys with cousin, Elijah
Diaper Days with Elijah

Photo op at Rockefeller Center
Updated Family Photo

Trip to Boston (3/12-3/15)

Sitting on the window ledge, tapping the window, looking out at the hotel

Checking out the jelly fish exhibit at the New England Aquarium

Watching the penguins

Ready for a nap - but Mommy wanted to watch the sea lions!
Before her first swim in a pool at the hotel

After her first swim in a pool (it was nap time!)