Sunday, March 6, 2011

Many Many Things

I’ve been meaning to write for a few days…and just haven’t done it. It’s not that I’ve been lazy, I’ve been busy. The bathroom is complete upstairs (well, as complete as it will get for quite a while), and I have to admit that it looks great. My father-in-law even came over to our house over the weekend to finish putting the final coat of polyurethane on the floor for us while we were out of town. It looks amazing!

New bathroom floor (don't mind the blue painter's tape - we just haven't taken it off yet.)

Olivia has been doing well with potty training and I’m really glad we decided to tackle that before the baby arrived. I'm expecting a little regression after her brother comes, but that's normal. Otherwise, it's been great scratch diapers off the grocery list!

Olivia is also doing well with her scripture memorization. She now knows Philippians 4:13 and Colossians 3:20. The best part of her learning the Colossians verse is that she is learning it in context and can tell me what is means when she is struggling to listen to Mommy or Daddy. She is slowly learning how God wants her to behave - and that her listening is not just because we are asking her to be a good girl.

We are continuing our weekly Bible study with a group from a church in a nearby community. This study has been a very in-depth look at the prophecy in the book of Daniel. It's been very deep, but eye-opening at the same time. On top of this study, Chris continues to meet with a group of 6 men on Saturday mornings and I'm meeting with a group of 6 ladies on Thursday evenings. These separate Bible studies have really helped us to learn and grow in God's well as provided us with an outlet for communication with other young Christians. We also started going to church on Wednesday nights and it's possible that Chris will begin to teach a young-adults (our age) class at church on Sunday evenings. We have a lot on our plates, but feel that we are growing closer to the Lord through all of these commitments.

On top of all of the above named things in our schedule, Chris is also staying busy with some community projects. He is working on a park shelter for the Montpelier Rotary Club, he's mildly involved in the Montpelier Investment Corporation to help brainstorm a possible new business within the community, he's a new member of the Montpelier Planning Commission, he's involved with the new building design for the Westchester Church of Christ (church we attended in New York), he's doing some side architecture for a client in Wasseon, he's working on another not-public-yet project that requires computer/architecture time in the evenings, and he's still working at the office, meddling in insurance, storage and real estate. He's a busy guy! Please pray for him that he will be able to manage his time appropriately and not overwork himself. He has a tendency to over commit and stress himself out - and that's just not healthy for him at all. (Not to mention that we have a newborn coming soon and that might add a few more things into his schedule!)

Speaking of the newborn, I had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday (March 1st). The doctor said everything seemed healthy and on target so far. My due date is still somewhere between March 19th and 21st, and I was already dilated 1cm at that point. He estimated that I wouldn't go past my due date, but that was just a guess. Women have stayed at 1cm for a while before beginning the official labor process. I was even at 2cm for a week before labor began with Olivia. So, I'm not holding my breath. I'm just waiting patiently on the little guy to get the sign from God that it's time to come and meet me! I go to the doctor again this Tuesday, so I'll keep you posted if anything new develops.

We spent the weekend with my family in Covington. My sister-in-law turns 30 soon and my brother threw her a surprise party to celebrate. She was completely overwhelmed and surprised, so it was good to see them in that setting! We spent some down time with them on Sunday, which was much needed. We usually have a schedule while we visit, between us being there, them working, us leaving, we don't get much time to just sit and enjoy each other's company. This weekend was a welcomed change!
Plus, we started talking about my crazy Mexican food cravings that I've been having throughout my pregnancy. My brother and sister-in-law agreed with me that the taco pizzas we were served in high school were delicious and it's a shame we haven't been able to find them anywhere. Chris rolled his eyes at this entire conversation! Well, thanks to Angie (my sister-in-law) taking initiative, searching online and making a phone call...we found them! The good thing: the store was on the way home from my parents' house. The not so great thing: we had to buy them in quantities of 96...that's right, 96! :) Too bad I'm so far along in my pregnancy...those could have really come in handy about 3 months ago. But, none-the-less, my eye-rolling husband stopped at the store and we bought a case. We're going to split the case with my brother, but that means we still have 48 taco pizzas at our house! You know I don't need to eat them all, so if anyone wants some...we paid about $0.65 per let me know how many you want!

Taco pizzas overtaking the bottom shelf of our deep-freezer.

I feel like I'm constantly trying to make sure the house is ready for us to have a baby. My parents will most likely come up and stay at our house while we're in the hospital, so I want to make sure the place is clean and ready for them. Olivia will stay with Chris' parents, so I want to make sure that her bag is packed and ready to go as well. My bag is definitely packed and ready to go - except for a few last minute things like the camera & video camera. I just have this feeling of....I'm not sure exactly what it is. I'm not anxious, I'm not nervous, I really want to meet this little guy, and I have no idea when labor will start! It's just a perpetual feeling of...wait...I guess. Is that a feeling? :)

I'm off to go 'wait' some more now! Here's the latest picture of me, taken today after lunch. I'm 38 weeks along today, so we'll see if I make it to next Monday to take another picture! I'll keep you posted!

38 weeks

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Wow! You guys sure have been busy!

- The bathroom is cute! Great job!

- I LOVE that you are teaching Olivia memory verses! It never occurred to me that we could start that activity with FireGirl this early, but I bet she could learn some of the shorter verses. Great idea!

- Can't wait to see pics of Baby Kannel when he shows up! BTW - your baby bump is too cute!