Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Taking Advantage...

Remember that huge mountain of snow that we had on our front yard last week? Chris made Olivia a slide out of the mini-mountain. Well, the weather warmed up enough at the end of last week that the entire mountain melted, seeped through the ground, and flooded our basement! So, on Saturday after we had our basement drain lines cleaned out, we decided to take advantage of the nice weather. The temperature was somewhere between 35 and 40 degrees, which felt amazing compared to the single digits and wind that we had the week before.

We gathered up Olivia, the stroller, and the grandparents and headed to the Toledo Zoo. Olivia has only been to the Bronx Zoo before, so we were excited for her to see one that was a little different. She loves animals (in person, in books, and as toys/stuffed animals), so it was the perfect outing for her to enjoy her surroundings.

The highlight of the zoo.....seeing Nemo in the tank!

As for the rest of us in the Kannel household, we're hanging in there. I hit the 36-week mark yesterday and have been feeling great. The baby is active as ever and my doctor said today that he seems to be right on track - not too big and not too small. Chris is busy with work and extra work, as always...but he's enjoying keeping his feet wet both in architecture and insurance.

Oh, and just as the weather was turning nice again, in came the storm! :) We had some rain/sleet/snow come in on Sunday...all day. So the ground was covered in a layer of ice, followed by about 5 inches of snow. So far this week, 2 of our Bible studies as well as Olivia's gymnastics class were canceled. It finally stopped snowing sometime this morning, but the weather reports say more freezing rain is headed our way. We already have nice snow mound in our front yard again...so I imagine this week we'll build another slide or house out of it - which ever our toddler requests!

And potty training keeps getting easier as it goes along...so if you have a toddler and you think he/she's ready...I say go for it! It's frustrating at first, but you'll be glad you did!

Stay warm!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

How fun! We made it to the Cincy Zoo once during Festival of Lights, but not since. With the warm(ish) weather we've been having, we really should!

Glad to see everyone is well.