Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Staying Busy...

I've been trying to stay busy to keep my mind off of the fact that I have no idea when this baby will arrive! I've been spending time outside with Olivia if the weather is permitting. Last week, we picked up sticks in Grandma and Grandpa's yard and then we went to Great Granny's yard to pick up sticks there too. Olivia likes the task and I didn't mind the exercise. Bending over became tougher after a while though! After we picked up sticks at both of those houses, we moved out to Great Grandma and Grandpa Kannel's house. Chris' Dad said sticks needed picked up in their yard too.....but they weren't really 'sticks.' :) When I started to pull the first one through the yard, Olivia said, "Mommy, that's a whole tree!" And she was absolutely right! We've seen trees smaller than that 'stick.' But, we took our time and got the job done. I didn't feel overworked, it was nice to get outside, and I thought the exercise might help bring Baby Kannel along. Guess not! It was still a lot of fun.

Here are some pics from the past few days:

40 weeks in and getting loved on by my toddler


Patti Walz said...

I have been thinking about you the last few days wondering if you were still being patient or if there was no need for it....well I guess you just answered my questions!!!! Sister I am praying for you and your family, and sending alot of patience your way.
Love ya,

Carrington said...

Wow I love that last picture! Way too cute. Thinking of you a lot lately. It'll be worth the wait!

Amy said...

cute pics :) funny, Elijah loves picking up sticks in the yard, too!