Monday, February 21, 2011


On January 24, I posted the following things as being on my rolling to-do list, and have (so far) successfully accomplished several items.

Blog more often - doing
Catch up in Olivia's scrapbook - done
Start the new baby's baby book - done
Start the new baby's scrapbook
Catch up in Chris' professional scrapbook - done
Laminate several newspaper articles for Chris - done
Hang up picture frames in Olivia's room -done
Hang up family pictures in the living room
Make meals to freeze in the deep-freeze - done
Wash hand-me-down baby clothes and put them away - done
Switch Olivia's dresser to the baby's room - done
Get new dresser into Olivia's room - done
Catch up in Olivia's journal - done
Start a journal for Chris - done
Continue with my Bible Studies - doing

On top of all of those things, I've also been able to paint the bathroom floor, take Olivia to the library more, catch up in Olivia's travel scrapbook, make a Velcro calendar for Olivia to learn numbers, days of the week and months (thanks for the idea, Carrington!), and pack my bag for the hospital! I feel extremely productive lately! Maybe this post is mostly for me and not for you....for me to see in writing what all I have accomplished, because most of you probably don't care! But, none-the-less, the Kannel household is looking more ready for a baby! There aren't so many things looming on the to-do list, and I'm not feeling stressed out at all! (...Yet)

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