Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Before Breakfast

The storm rolled in yesterday afternoon…and it’s still coming! It started as pretty forceful snow, then it snowed sideways, it turned to sleet right at bedtime, all while accompanied by some extremely strong winds. This morning when we woke up, it was beautiful outside!

It is hard to tell exactly how much snow we got in the night due to all the snow drifts. It was piled high in places and almost bare in others. But, when we went out to shovel this morning, I’d guess we had at least 10 inches on the ground. It was snowing pretty steadily then, but without the wind. It was a nice, peaceful snow.

By the time we headed inside for breakfast, the sidewalks we had just shoveled were already covered in at least a half an inch of snow, if not more. It’s been snowing off and on most of the day so far, more on than off. But it’s been light snow followed by heavy snow, and back to light again – very unpredictable! The news/radio people say it’s supposed to snow until 7pm this evening.

I don’t mind the snow at all, as long as it isn’t windy and I’m not headed anywhere far away. I’m actually looking forward to this evening….after dinner we’ll probably get our snow gear back on and take Olivia sledding! She truly loves being out in the snow…which is why we took her out this morning.

Don’t think we are bad parents and forced our two year old to go out and shovel with us! Daddy was going out to use the snow blower and she absolutely wanted to go too. So, she used her little shovel (and a little bit bigger shovel from grandpa), I used our snow shovel, and Chris used the snow blower. We cleaned off our porch, steps, front sidewalk, the neighbor’s porch, steps and front sidewalk, the area where we park our car, Chris’ parents’ sidewalks, and then helped Grandpa dig out the back door from the snow drift. Olivia disappeared after a few snow angels and some shoveling to go eat French toast with grandma…but the rest of us were hard at work!

Shoveling snow at 7 ½ months pregnant is hard work! I’m exhausted and actually just woke up from a nap! My back really hurts now and I’m wishing the chiropractor didn’t close his office today – I could have really used that appointment this afternoon! Since most of the town is closed down, it’s a pretty lazy day around our house. We see the constant snow when we look out the window, and hear the constant sound of diggers, backhoes, and trucks outside pushing and collecting snow. I’ll probably plan on something nice and warm for dinner tonight…perhaps some type of soup – that sounds super yummy after a day outside in the snow!

Stay warm – and I’ll keep you posted about the stormy hours that lie ahead.
Walking on the freshly plowed sidewalk. The snow is up to her thighs...almost to her waist! Stuck in the front yard!

Sitting with Daddy in the snow drift outside our garage.Olivia by herself in the snow drift outside of our garage.

Trying to use Mommy's show shovel...but having some difficulties!Grandpa found this shovel in his workshop. It used to be Daddy's when he was a little boy! It was a much better size than Mommy's and a little more useful than Olivia's!

Do plumbers work outside? This little one does! She refused to change her pull-up before we went outside, so it was pretty soggy and droopy. Thus, when she bent over to pick up her snow shovel....this popped out!

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