Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's in a Name?

*You look miserable!
*You look great!
*I bet you're ready!
*You're carrying so high.
*You've dropped.
*Any day now?
*Two weeks left, right?

These comments have all come to me within the past 3 days. Granted, I'm 39 weeks 3 days pregnant - but why does everyone have to judge how I feel based upon how they think I look instead of asking me how I feel? I'm not offended by any of these comments - but rather baffled about some of the things people openly say!

I truly appreciate the people who have asked how I feel or asked how I feel I am carrying this baby before passing judgement - that shows me they care about me instead of making sure their opinion is heard. For now, I'll keep taking comments with a grain of salt!

When will I get to meet this little guy? Only God knows for sure - but I at least know the answer is SOON!


Jodi said...

Awwwww... why DO people think that's okay?

The statement I got repeatedly was "you must be having twins!"

Nope. Just one. But thanks for making me feel like a cow.

Apparently when we're pregnant, we no longer have feelings, right?

Hope you're getting some good rest these last few days, and feeling well.

Amy said...

it never ceases to amaze me the off-the-wall/downright rude things people feel comfortable saying to pregnant women!!

hope you are feeling great--praying for a safe and smooth delivery of our new nephew in God's perfect timing!

Marion Chaos said...

No matter what anyone're beautiful! You are really one of those women who glow when pregnant, and thus making us all jealous!

We are excited to meet this little man! Welcome to the family Baby Kannel!!! WE LOVE YOU!!