Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Huge Update

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated the blog. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas seemed to fly by quickly with shopping, making gifts, and packing. Then all of December flew by with family situations, the possibility of having a buyer for our apartment, and being away from home for two weeks. Now we're finally back and getting settled into our routines again. Here are some picture updates for those who are interested to see how Olivia is growing...

1st time in a booster seat

The Family at Rockefeller Center (Olivia's 1st time on a train and her first trip to Manhattan)

Olivia's 1st Christmas Tree

Olivia's 1st time lying in the snow Opening presents on Christmas Morning Hanging out in her cousin's rocking chair

Ready for church on Sunday morning after
Hanging out with Daddy in her Christmas dress

Watching UC play in the Orange Bowl on tv

Happy girl after just rolling over for the first time Sporting her camouflage dress - ready to go hunting with her cousins
Kissing Great Grandpa Marion's reindeer
Eating Chicken Legs

Playing with all of her toys

Twenty Weeks Old - 1.13.09


Percy said...

Wow, she's gotten so big! :~) Totally know what you mean about time just flying by... Stop the world, I want to get off! :~)

Marion Chaos said...

It all happens too quickly. Some days I want to just bottle it so I can open it and catch glimpses sometime later in life. That way I don't miss anything. Unfortunately it isn't something that is possible!! Soak her up, she'll be walking and talking (even back) before you know it!!! We all love that little girl, and can't wait for you to be closer!