Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Two Weeks Full of Photos

This will be another photo update, along with brief explanations to let you know what the three of us have been up to.
This is Olivia trying to sit up on her own. She loves to try but hasn't completely mastered it yet.
Having some tummy time - trying to get those arms nice and strong.

Happy Girl I'm usually the one taking pictures, so I don't have many pictures of Mommy and Baby.
She's reaching out to touch our faces a lot lately. She likes Daddy's fuzzy face.
21 Weeks Old - 1.20.09

She loves sitting by herself and playing with toys.

She can now reach her feet and likes to lick her toes!

Just a cute picture.

Headed outside in her snowsuit - bundle up tight!
Trying cereal for the first time...
Cereal all over her face!

A video of Olivia eating cereal

More fun with tummy time and a colorful outfit - Five Months Old Today!
Watching Mommy eat a pear

Stay tuned for more.......


Marion Chaos said...

She's so cute! I can't believe how big she gets every time I get a chance to sneak a peek!! It's amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time! Time really does fly when you are having fun!!

Percy said...

Awww... Such a cutie! :~) It looked like in the video that she wasn't all that happy about the cereal... Which one of you does she look the most like? I seem to have caught a glimpse of Brumbaugh in her, but I could be wrong.

Jamie said...

She's so cute, Michelle! I understand how it is to be the one behind the camera - I have the same problem - probably because I'm picture-happy most of the time. :) I hope everything is well for you guys in NY - I'm starting to think Olivia's ready for some Lisa Frank stickers... maybe six months would be old enough??? :D