Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Whirlwind!

The last several months seemed to be a whirlwind for Chris, Olivia, and me. I went back to work three days a week in October, and although I loved my job, it was very hectic! I was working part time but had a full time caseload. Needless to say, when I got home from work in the evenings, I had just enough energy to fix dinner, play with Olivia, and spend a little time with Chris before heading to bed. I then spend one day a week with a mother’s group (Westchester MOPS) and one day a week playing catch up!

Work was supposed to be a three month commitment while another lady was out on maternity leave. However, things changed and I ended up being there for seven months! Olivia attended day care while I was at work – and this was a great experience for her. She was able to learn to interact with peers, and had the opportunity to learn so much more in this amazing environment. There were 10 kids ranging in age from 15 months to 4 years old. So, while the older kids were learning from a preschool curriculum, Olivia picked up the information like a sponge! She can say her ABC’s, count to 20, and knows her shapes and colors. She also has a variety of songs and signs memorized. She never ceases to amaze us!

Meanwhile, Chris was still working on the new building design for our church family, the Westchester Church of Christ, and I was heavily involved with the moms and kids at our local MOPS group, Westchester MOPS. These two groups/organizations were huge blessings to us and made an everlasting impression on our hearts.

The Lord blessed us with selling our apartment in New York in May, and we moved back to Ohio in June. We’d been working on a selling arrangement since last October, so we when winter ended and spring rolled around, we began to wonder what the Lord truly had in store for our future. But, alas the sale went through and both of our families helped us relocate to Ohio.

We’ve been in Ohio for about 7 weeks, and it’s been quite an adjustment period! The way of life is definitely different, the cost of living is less, the income is different, the pace is slower…but it’s home! It is such a blessing to be making new friends, to have a roof over our heads, to have family nearby, and to be content with our new situation.

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