Sunday, November 16, 2008

11 Weeks Old

Over eleven weeks have passed since this cute little bundle of joy has arrived. Our lives have changed immensely since she was born and we feel so very blessed. She is babbling so much more, especially to Chris and me. Her favorite two words now are "Goo" and "Ga" - typical baby sounds. Her face lights up with a beautiful smile when she sees us, and she loves interacting.

She is still at the point where she doesn't mind if other people hold her, so she is getting to know other faces at church, as well as when we have guests over or get together with friends.

She tries really hard to roll over but hasn't quite mastered that skill yet. She can push herself up while on her stomach, but quickly gets annoyed and bored that there isn't anything to look at underneath her except a blanket. I'm looking forward to borrowing my sister-in-law's activity gym so she can have something to entertain her while she is lying on her stomach and on her back.

Olivia really likes to be in the sitting position lately too. If we put her in her Bobby pillow laying down, she tries really hard to sit up, almost like she's doing stomach crunches. As soon as you sit her up, she is happy as a clam and will sit like that for quite a long time (propped up or our our laps of course).

She hasn't started laughing or giggling yet, but we can definitely tell she is getting close. She makes a funny noise that we think will turn into a laugh eventually, but she's still just smiling a whole lot.

She is really getting long too. Her 0-3 month clothing is finally getting to small because her legs poke out the bottom of the pant legs. I think she gets her height from my dad and brother. She'll probably be tall and skinny like her cousin..but only time will tell.

We are looking forward to going home for Thanksgiving so that our families can see how much she is changing. We will spend 1.5 days with my family and 1.5 days with Chris' family. It's not exactly ideal, but we are just thankful for the time we do have with them instead of sad about how little time we have.

I'll post her 12 week picture later this week - and maybe by that time she will be rolling over - so I'll have a video to post too!

1 comment:

Marion Chaos said...

We are all looking forward to seeing her (and you two)!! Can't wait to see the kids together again! Every time Corey sees a baby that isn't Bradley, he asks if it is Olivia...can't wait till I can say yes!