Thursday, October 30, 2008

October is almost gone

It's hard to believe that October is almost over! The past several weeks have flown by way too fast. However, I feel like we have accomplished a lot as a family. Our trip to Ohio was great - we were blessed with the chance to see lots of family and friends, as well as spend extended time with family. It was more than just a quick trip which allowed us to be able to relax a little while we were away from home.

Olivia is growing quickly and has more personality every day. Chris and I are so happy to spend time with her and we are truly enjoying parenthood. Sure, it's tiring getting up to feed her in the night, and it takes longer to load the car when we go out...but the pros of being parents far outweighs those things.

She smiles at us all the time and it completely melts our hearts each time. Seeing her gummy baby smile never gets old. She's headed to the doctor tomorrow for her first round of we'll see how many smiles she has for me tomorrow...probably not that many! Keep us in your prayers!


Amy said...

LOVE that picture!

ty said...

she is absolutely, positively, yummy! i can't wait to see her on saturday...