Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our Little Snow Bunny

Olivia loves to play in the snow and likes to shovel with her own little shovel. Despite her cold cheeks and the snot running out of her nose, she always cries when we bring her back inside. Taking off her coat, snow pants and shoes usually results in a complete melt-down! We offer to make her 'warm chocolate' and that usually makes her feel better!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo Friday

A peaceful picture for you at the end of this week.....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Long Overdue Pictures

Some highlights from the past few months......

Olivia is "helping" Daddy and Grandpa drywall the ceiling in the kitchen.

Our first real Christmas Tree - and our first Christmas tree over 12 inches tall!
Family Pic in front of our tree. After 2 1/2 years, Olivia has figured out how to become friends with our feeding her all the treats in the drawer and by finding all the toys with catnip in them!

Playing dress up with her new princess dress, wand, and high heels!

Loving her new butterfly wings!

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Year...New Traditions (I hope)

With this new year, I certainly hope to blog more often. But, I also hope to do a lot of things....
Catch up in Olivia's scrapbook
Start the new baby's baby book
Start the new baby's scrapbook
Catch up in Chris' professional scrapbook
Laminate several newspaper articles for Chris
Hang up picture frames in Olivia's room
Hang up family pictures in the living room
Make meals to freeze in the deep-freeze
Wash hand-me-down baby clothes and put them away
Switch Olivia's dresser to the baby's room
Get new dresser into Olivia's room
Catch up in Olivia's journal
Start a journal for Chris
Continue with my Bible Studies.......

The list seems to keep on going! With the Lord's help, I'll be able to get some of those things accomplished! Oh, and on top of all of that, I want to get Olivia potty trained before new baby Kannel arrives! It doesn't seem like that much to do, but when you add in every day routine items like cooking, playing with Olivia, keeping the house tidy-ish, adds up pretty quick!

I guess all I can do is take one thing at a time, and be completely content with only crossing off one thing on the list at a time!

It's been a while since I've posted and a lot has happened throughout the past several months. It was definitely a blessing to be in Ohio for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year and not have to travel back and forth from New York. We were less stressed, were able to spend more time with family, and spent less money on gas! We were able to celebrate both holidays with both sides of our family, so we racked up lots of grandparent/cousin/sibling time for all of us. I'll post some pictures in the next few days to document our past few months.

Olivia and I traveled to the west side of Chicago to visit one of my dear friends last weekend. She (along with her husband and three kids) moved out of New York about two months after we did and settled in Chicago. So, it was such a blessing to see her again, and it's great to have her semi-close by. Olivia did great traveling and had a blast playing with her three kids.

This past weekend, my parents came up to visit. They stayed with us instead of at a hotel, so it was nice to see them a lot. They were extremely helpful and donated their time to help paint the baby's room. My dad also helped Chris get lots of furniture and bins from our storage unit so we can start to set up the baby's room now that it's painted.

So, the room is painted, the furniture is here, the clothes/baby items are here in comes the sorting, washing, arranging and putting into place! I'm eight weeks out from my due we'll see when the little guy decides to make his appearance!

I should get going now and tackle something from my ginormous to-do list!